Wednesday 3 October 2012

Weekly Study Tips # 4

Always be a smart reader, not a robot...

I think the title explains itself pretty well...
You should always think while you read... don't just... read and instantly forget everything afterwards...

At school, teachers would occasionally make you read the textbooks, or some novels... ect.
However, the context you have to read aren't always that interesting. In fact, most of the time, it is rather quite boring, which makes it really hard to absorb the information in the texts. (and... sometimes it might cause you to fall asleep... =.=")
So how to you understand the text? Are there some steps you have to take?

haha, here are the steps...
(I learned this from my SAT class!)

1. Look at the title or maybe some pictures printed on the side...
2. Quickly scan the text to glean any more information about its topic, genre, purpose, and tone.
3. Think about what you already know:
    - about the topic
    - about the genre and purpose
    - about the tone
4. ask youself some questions, and predict what the context is about...

1. think about how what you are reading relates to the prior knowledge you activated before reading. Did you make correct predictions? Are you revising your initial assumptions? How is the text helping you answer the Questions you asked yourself?
2, When you find vocabulary that you don't know, don't stop. See if you can understand the meaning of the sentence or paragraph without the meaning of that word. See if you can guess the meaning of the word using context clues. (underline the new words to write in your vovabulary notebook later *if you ACTUALLY have a vocab notebook...*. Do not interrupt your reading to use a dictionary unless the level of the text is truly too high for you. And you should always check your dictionary later to check your accuracy when you write the meanings in your vocabulary notebook.)
3. Each time you finish one paragraph or section of text, mentally summarize to yourself in one sentence what you have read. If you can't do this, you have to read it again and summarize more often!
4. engage your mind in dialogue with the text as much as possible by allowing your mental voice to react what you read. (ex: "Whoa! That surprises me!", "Huh? I don't get it!", "Why would anyone do that?", "Oh, this reminds me of...",... ect)

1. mentally summarize the whole text to yourself in one or two sentences!
2. ask youself how this text relates to your life or your world.

Alright... those are the steps...
If you use them correctly, they would really benefit your reading skills! :D
Anyways, I hope this reading tip really helps you at school!

bad example... this dude fell asleep while reading... SHAME ON HIM!!!

lol! even cats fall asleep from reading boring books!!! XDDDD

Sunday 30 September 2012

Factors That Affect Admission Beyond Academics

We all know that the grades a person gets can greatly affect his/her chances of getting accepted into Johns Hopkins, but there are also other factors beyond academics... What are they? Go find out by watching this helpful video!! :D

No Need to Worry About Having No Place to Live

This might be a question for some of you planning on going to Johns Hopkins Medical School...

Question: wait a sec, if i actually get into Johns Hopkins Medical School... WHERE AM I GOING TO LIVE?!?! on the streets? or maybe in dorms and stuff?!?! AHHH! I DUNNO!! *PANIC!!!!*

Answer: First of all... CHILL, DUDE!!!!! no need to panic! XD ... here are the solutions to your question/problem!!!
Please click HERE for the full information!!!!! :D

don't worry... you won't end up like this! XDDDD

The Armstrong Medical Education Building

Johns Hopkins is going to be launching a bold new vision for medical education - the Genes to Society Curriculum. And along with that, the curriculum is going to take place in a state-of-the-art building designed specifically for it. As the campus' new medical education center, the Armstrong Medical Education Building provides innovative classrooms with projection capabilities on all four walls and mobile podiums for teachers. There are large lecture halls, learning studios, and private study areas. The building also features the latest digital communications technology, including virtual-realtiy simulations, MRI imgages, CT scans (i have NO IDEA what they are... but they all sound pretty cool! :D) and other 21st century technologies. Isn't that awesome?!?! XD

Saturday 29 September 2012

Weekly Study Tips # 3


oy... so much work to do... yet, so little time... =.="

For those of you procrastinators, you know EXACTLY what I'm about to say... (and if you don't... well I was about to tell you to NOT procrastinate... and yea...)
anyways, BACK ON TOPIC!!

So procrastination is a huge problem for almost every teenagers these days... Whenever we come home from school, our parents would always ask us, "Hey *insert name*, why aren't you doing your homework?!?!"... and we would always give them the same old stupid answer, "Well... there's still 2 days before the hw is due, so yea... I'll do it tomorrow or something... I'm just gonna go watch TV now..."
well let me tell you, that's the wrong answer...
instead, you should force yourself to do a little bit of the hw each day, that way, you won't be too stressed out, and you won't leave all the works cramped up 'til the last day before it's due...

Take this as an example...
So one day, your teacher assigns you this really huge science project that'll probably take days to finish... What would you do when you go home?
well this is what a teenager would usually do in that case... goes home, CHILLs on the sofa for a few seconds, realizes that he/she has homework so he/she must stop CHILLING, digs out the agenda from backpack, flips to the page with hw stuff, hesitates, closes agenda, goes to room, takes out ipod, plays angry bird (or whatever apps)...
instead, this is what you're SUPPOSE to do... take a look...
When you finally come home from an exhausting school day, and you realize that you have a big project that's due next week... you........ GLUE YOUR BUTT TO YOUR CHAIR, SIT THERE, BE A GOOD KID, AND DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha, just kidding... no need to be that harsh to yourself... XD
ok, so here's what you should do... just do a little bit of the project everyday, and eventually you'll get it all done, right?!!!!!
that's a motto you should always stick in your head, and NOT this... "Don't do it now... just leave it 'til later..."
(just remember... there IS NO "later"... 0.0)


and as hard as it might seem, you just have to SUCK IT UP!!! (lol)
and don't worry, you're not the only one struggling with this problem... I'M struggling too...
In fact, the reason I nearly failed social study back in grade 7 was all because of procrastination... (ok, maybe I exaggerated a little bit... I didn't ALMOST FAIL... i just... got a really bad mark (a "C" ain't no joke, y'all <--- why am i suddenly talking so cowboy-ish?!?! haha XD)
see? that's what procrastinating can do to you................. SO DON'T PROCRASTINATE!!!!!!!!

sigh... it's teenagers' instinct to procrastinate... :P

say this to yourself!!! XDDDD

Thursday 27 September 2012

Campus of Johns Hopkins Medical School

What makes the campus of Johns Hopkins University so special is the fact that the environment is a combination of greens (nature), marbles/bricks paths, and spacious areas that gives you a welcoming feeling :D

Johns Hopkins is a big community of people with different backgrounds and cultures. Everyone supports each other, and that's what makes things all come together.

There's always something going on at this school. Every week, the school offers lectures, concerts, art and photography exhibitions, theater, movies, sports, volunteer opportunities... ect... You'll never get bored.

for more info, click HERE!!!

Departments at Johns Hopkins Medical School

These are the departments at Johns Hopkins Medical School...
(there are websites linked to each department names! *click on them and take a look*!!)

Departments at Johns Hopkins Medicine