Main Point of this Blog...

Hey *insert name*!!!!!
If you're reading this, chances are you probably have a dream of going to Johns Hopkins Medical School, like me :D
or... you were just googling random stuff on the internet, and you came upon my awesome website (haha, jk... no but seriously, i spent a lot of time on this blog, so it IS suppose to be awesome!)
here, on this blog, you will find ALL the informations you need to know to get into Johns Hopkins Medical School... (ok, maybe not ALL the info, but I'll try to provide you with the more important stuff... :P)
I will be posting informations about the admission processes, campuses, and some hilarious, but helpful, weekly study advices!!!
hehe XD
anyhoo, hope you enjoy reading my blog, and if you don't... well... please don't leave any hateful comments... OR ELSE... O.o"

oh, just to emphasize my point and to remind you guys... this is a blog about Johns Hopkins MEDICAL SCHOOL, NOT Johns Hopkins University in general, ok? :D
so please don't leave any comments saying that I didn't provide any info about the admission of the Language department, cuz i'm not suppose to...

k, thx for your coorperations... look forward to reading your comments! :P
haha XD

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