Tuesday 25 September 2012

Weekly Study Tips # 1

The library is NOT a good place for studying!!!

Many of you may think that the library is the best environment for studying...
well I hate to break it to you guys (or girls?), but you're- ABSOLUTELY WRONGGGGGGGG!!!
And here are the reasons why...

First of all, what usually happens when you go to the library to "study" is that you would end up going on the computer and start facebooking or playing online games... =.="
Yea... I know what you're thinking... I READ YOUR MIND, DIDN'T I?!?! 0.0
well I'm pretty sure that this is a fact for most teenagers... I mean, I sometimes do that, too,............... but we can just overlook that part! XP (don't tell my mom...)
anyways... moving on to the second reason!

Second reason...
now, this is actually a pretty serious problem, cuz this has happened to me MANY times already, and it's quite frustrating actually...
so, as you all know... the library is a public place, so... you would occasionally run into very inconsiderate people...
and by "inconsiderate people", I don't mean like the kind of people who litters or something...
I mean the people who can't tell that you seriously don't feel like talking to them, but they would just keep on talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking.... and... well you get my point! XD
for example... if you're REALLY UNLUCKY, like me... then everytime you go to the library, you would run into inconsiderate people who can't see that you are trying to study, but they just keep on talking to you, cuz as i said, they're inconsiderate, and eventually, they will start recommending you books that doesn't even look a slight interesting, like the history of civil war or something, i mean seriously, who would want to read that on a regular basis, anyways, I just got off topic, as I was saying, you, as a good citizen would try to act polite and not interrupt the interrupter, so you would simply sit there and listen patiently, but meanwhile, thinking, "OMGGGGGG, I hope she/he can just SHUT UP!!!" ... (hehe, that was a long sentence... with lots of punctuation errors...)
sigh... anyhoo... some people are just like that... and there's nothing we can do about them... :P
ohhh, and if YOU'RE one of those people... then........- GO AWAY!!! I DON'T LIKE YOU!!!

haha, jk... BUT SERIOUSLY... O.o"

... *awkward silence*...

ok bye~ XDDDD
hope you enjoyed my little rant! :P
and if not, then... please don't leave any hateful comment... just CLICK AWAY, and ENJOY THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!!

(this is a library at Johns Hopkins... omg, looks like a cathedral XD)


  1. Hi!Jenny!
    I totally agree with you!This is a GREAT studying tip!
    Can't wait to see your next post! [thumb up]
